Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Table of Contents (most recent blog update)

Scroll down to see the list of the newest blogs. In order to view any, click on the corresponding date to the left of this page. Click on the arrows to view the posts (shown by dates) for each year, month, etc.

Picture slideshows are included in all of these entries. If you click on the slideshow, a mini-version will play on the page itself, but if you click on it a second time, another page will open with the album. Once you open that up, you can click on where it says "slideshow" to have it open up and play as a full screen. Several of the pics also have captions to tell you more about them. Below you will find the entries and slideshows that correspond with the dates in the drop-down menu.
(If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you will find previous entries & slideshows.)


April 15 - Spring 2009 (Slideshow)
May 7 - Our Friends’ New Orleans Trip (Slideshow)
May 16 - The Wedding of Ami Shah & Shalin Patel (Slideshow)
May 27 - Susan’s 30th Bowling Birthday Party (Slideshow)
June 6 - Mom’s 60th Tropical Birthday Bash (Slideshow)
June 13 - Taking it all off… and Some Random Shots (Slideshow)
June 27 - John’s 30th Birthday Dinner (Slideshow)
July 17 - Chicago (Slideshow)
Aug 1 - The Wedding of Binoy George & Charynda Guereva (Slideshow)
Aug 2 - The Lil’ Isaacs’ Baptisms (Slideshow)
Aug 8 - Pailyn’s Birthday Bash (Slideshow)
Aug 15 - Jessy’s 30th Birthday Voyage (Slideshow)
Aug 25 - The Birth of Hungamma (Slideshow)
Sept 6 - The Wedding of David Webb & Nicole Valverde (Slideshow)
Sept 7 - Labor Day Weekend at the Gandhi’s (Slideshow)
Sept 8 - Our Two Year Anniversary (Slideshow)

Table of Contents (contintued)

We arrived safely in California at the end of June 2008, and have truly been enjoying the West Coast since then - the warm weather, the friendly people, and the various experiences. We will get better about updating the blog with details and pics more often :)

Outside of the everyday pics, the entries from our roadtrip across the country have to do with food - since our roadtrip was based around it :)

Feel free to enjoy what's posted so far!!


May 28 - Our Plans
May 29 - Our "Burnt Orange" Departure
May 30 - Charlotte, NC
May 31 - Atlanta, GA - Part 1
June 1 - Chattanooga, TN (slideshow)
June 2 - Atlanta, GA - Part 2 (slideshow)
June 3 - Atlanta, GA - Part 3
June 5 - Drive to New Orleans (slideshow)
June 8 - New Orleans, LA (slideshow)
June 9 - Houston, TX
June 11 - San Antonio, TX
June 12 - Austin, TX
June 13 - El Paso, TX (slideshow)
June 14 - Santa Fe & Albuquerque, NM (slideshow)
June 16 - Sedona, AZ (slideshow)
June 17 - Las Vegas, NV (slideshow)
June 19 - Our Stay with Jeeta, Chet, & Krishav
June 27 - John's Birthday (slideshow)
Aug 5 - Staying with the Gandhi Family (slideshow)
Aug 14 - Philly (slideshow)
Sept 28 - LA Fair (slideshow)
Oct 18 - Back to North Cali
Oct 25 - We saw Oprah! (slideshow)
Oct 31 - Halloween (slideshow)
Nov 27 - Thanksgiving (slideshow)
Dec 25 - Christmas (slideshow)
Jan 12 - Los Angeles Areas (slideshow)
Jan 25 - Sherine's Birthday (slideshow)
Jan 28 - Malibu Sunset (slideshow)
Feb 8 - Our California CRIBS (slideshow)
Feb 20 - Visiting Family in Philly (slideshow)
Feb 21 - Trip to Visit the Gandi's (slideshow)
March 5 - Solar Magic (slideshow)
March 22 - Altadena (slideshow)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Two Year Anniversary

September 8, 2009 marked our two year wedding anniversary. To celebrate, John made plans for us to spend a couple nights in San Francisco. Thank you, John, for a wonderful anniversary :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend at the Gandhi's

While in Northern California to celebrate our roommates' wedding, we also had the opportunity to visit Jeeta & Chet - the friends we had stayed with for 2 months when we first arrived in California. Our friends, Seema & Suraj, were also able to make the trip up there, and together, we had a great time... eating, drinking, and playing 28 :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Wedding of David Webb & Nicole Valverde

Our roommates, David & Nicole, got married on Labor Day weekend in Napa Valley. They were kind enough to invite us to celebrate their special day, and we were honored to be a part of it. We wish David & Nicole a lifetime of love & happiness.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Birth of Hungamma

There are some of you who will not understand the photo album below. However, for those of you who were involved or aware of this practical joke, you will truly enjoy and appreciate this album :) She was a good memory of this summer, so we felt the need to include her in our blog.

Thanks to all those who encouraged the birth & short life of Hungamma Snehekunthu. Your participation was appreciated :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jessy's 30th Birthday Voyage

John's friend, Jessy, also celebrated their 30th birthday while we were in Philly for the summer. Her friends surprised her with a birthday lunch on the Spirit of Philadelphia. Happy Birthday, Jessy!

P.S. We also took the opportunity to celebrate Nisha's birthday as well. Happy 30th Birthday, Nash!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pailyn's Birthday Bash

Abbey & Soby's little boy, Pailyn, turned 1 this year. We were so happy we could join in on the celebration!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Wedding of Binoy George & Charynda Guereva

Our good friends, Binoy & Ryn, got married on August 1, 2009. We were honored to be involved in their special day, and wish them a lifetime full of love and happiness. Congratulations, Binoy & Ryn!

The photo album is a combination of pictures taken by various friends. There are a lot, so again, when you have some time on your hands.... enjoy! :)

Friday, July 17, 2009


John and I worked in Chicago for a month during the summer. We were able to stay with his friend, Gibi, and explore the beautiful city of Chicago. We definitely fell in love with the city, and look forward to going back to visit again next summer!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

John's 30th Birthday Dinner

A surprise dinner with friends at a Thai restaurant for John's 30th Birthday. Happy Birthday, John!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mom's 60th Tropical Birthday Bash

For my mom's 60th birthday, my sisters, John, and I decided to throw her a surprise party. We had about 50 guests join in our cruise/tropical themed party, and were able to truly surprise her. Here's to another 60 more years! :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Susan's 30th Bowling Birthday Party

A group of us went to "Lucky Strikes" to celebrate John's friend Susan's 30th birthday. Happy Birthday, Susan!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Wedding of Ami Shah & Shalin Patel

Congratulations, Ami & Shalin. We were glad to be there for your special day, and we wish you both a lifetime full of love and happiness.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our Friends' New Orleans Trip

Every year, our group of friends plan a trip so that we can all come from wherever we are in the U.S. and create wonderful memories together. It started on the 4th of July, so we keep calling it that - even though this one was in May. This year, we were supposed to go on a cruise to Cozumel that departed from New Orleans, but thanks to the swine flu, our cruise was cancelled.

"When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade."
So we spend the entire week in New Orleans. Maybe it wasn't our first choice, but at least we got to spend time together with everyone - which is the best part anyway :)

The photo album is a collaboration of pictures taken by everyone on the trip. There are a lot, so when you have time to kill... enjoy! :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring 2009

So here are pictures from different events from Spring 2009 in California - right before we went back to Philly a summer visit. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Seema and Suraj decided to come visit us for the weekend in Altadena, CA (which is where we now live). From our house, you get a great view of the mountains nearby, so we decided to take a road trip and do some exploring. It was great to see, and we were talking about planning a camping trip together one day as well.

We were also so full after our weekend together eating at a few different "very cheap, but very good food" discoveries we've made :) A mediterranean dinner from one place - where all 4 of us were fed for $10.00 (rotisserie chicken, pita bread, garlic and chili sauce, and jalepeno hummus). Lunch the next day was at John's and my favorite Asian diner - where we usually are stuffed from a spicy, yummy plate of Singapore noodles for $6.50... I love these little discoveries :)

Here are our pics from our Altadena "exploring":

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Solar Magic

John and I have decided to use our time in California to experience as much as we can, and in doing so, we've met and worked with many interesting people. We've had the opportunity to work a few times with Trina Celise (although she goes by the nickname, Tee), the owner of "Solar Magic" - a business that produces jewelry which changes color in the sunlight. Her father actually invented the Mood Ring (remember that from the 70's-80's?)

Anyway, for those familiar with QVC, the famous home shopping network was interested in Tee's product, and has placed orders with her about 4 different times so far. John and I have worked with her to help complete some of those orders, and we helped run her Quality Control department as Project Managers for her most recent order.

For those interested in seeing and possibly purchasing the product, take a look at her website: (Sometimes, it takes a little while for the pictures on the website to load up, but you get to see the 4 different styles of jewelry and the colors that change). The product can also be found on the QVC website.

Here are pics from our last product order with her:

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Trip to Visit the Gandhi's

After returning from our Philly trip, Seema, John, and I drove up to Sunnyvale, CA to visit Jeeta, Chet, Krishav, and the new addition to their family - Jiyana. (Unfortunately, Suraj was out of town for business). Although we wished we could have stayed longer, we definitely enjoyed the time up there, and look forward to making a trip up there again soon. Thank you to the Gandhis for being such great hosts!!

Our pictures:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Visting Family in Philly

Since John's mom was visting Philadelphia from India, we decided to make a trip back home for 2 weeks to spend time with her. Although this trip was designed mainly to be with family, we did get the chance to hang out with friends one night. We'll be going back again in May, and will get the chance to see everyone then!

Here are some pics:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our California CRIBS

When we moved to LA in September, we found a couple on Craigslist looking to rent out a room in their house, and John and I decided to take them up on the offer temporarily while we were working at the LA Fair for a month. We ended up building a great relationship with them, and are still living with them now. They are "hella" cool (a Northern Cali expression we've learned from them:), and we've enjoyed making new friends with them.

David is a thermal engineer, and Nicole works with an environmental company. They both moved to the LA area from Northern California and are engaged to be married in September.

Here are some pics of them, and our CRIBS since we've moved to LA:

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Malibu Sunset

John decided to surprise me with a trip to Malibu - to watch the sunset. He packed food and we sat at benches overlooking the ocean and watched the sunset as we ate. It was a great way to spend our day off :)

Our pictures:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sherine's Birthday

My 32nd birthday was January 25th. We celebrated with Seema and Suraj Patel (our friends from Philly who recently moved to Orange County - which is only about 50 miles away from us). On Saturday night, we all went to a club located in Venice, CA called the Air Conditioned Supper Club ( - which sounds like a dumb name for a club, but they actually play GREAT music - a lot of old school hip hop. DJ Quickie Mart (ironic name ;) did a GREAT job that night.

The next evening, Seema, Suraj, John, and I went to a comedy club in Hermosa Beach, CA ( with our friends Tee and Lawrence to watch Jay Leno perform. They also had one of the head writers from the Tonight Show perform a routine before Leno went on - and that was hilarious. It was definitely a good birthday memory!

Here are some pictures:

Monday, January 12, 2009

Los Angeles Areas

Attached are some pictures of a few areas in Los Angeles - specifically, Santee Alley and Olvera Street.

Santee Alley, also known as the Fashion District, is a bargain hunters dream. We really expected something different when we heard it was the "Fashion District" (cause it turned out to be pretty ghetto :). It spans an area of 90 blocks - made up of various vendors and small shops - selling items such as jewelry for 99 cents, luggage for $3.00, and I bought a skirt for $1.00!!!

Here's some info if you are interested in reading further:

Olvera Street is the oldest street in Los Angeles. It is known as a Mexican marketplace - open everyday, but especially crowded on the weekends, when you will find perfomers entertaining, such as singers and breakdancers. Place full of culture..

For more info, take a look at:

Here are our pics: