Saturday, February 21, 2009

Trip to Visit the Gandhi's

After returning from our Philly trip, Seema, John, and I drove up to Sunnyvale, CA to visit Jeeta, Chet, Krishav, and the new addition to their family - Jiyana. (Unfortunately, Suraj was out of town for business). Although we wished we could have stayed longer, we definitely enjoyed the time up there, and look forward to making a trip up there again soon. Thank you to the Gandhis for being such great hosts!!

Our pictures:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Visting Family in Philly

Since John's mom was visting Philadelphia from India, we decided to make a trip back home for 2 weeks to spend time with her. Although this trip was designed mainly to be with family, we did get the chance to hang out with friends one night. We'll be going back again in May, and will get the chance to see everyone then!

Here are some pics:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our California CRIBS

When we moved to LA in September, we found a couple on Craigslist looking to rent out a room in their house, and John and I decided to take them up on the offer temporarily while we were working at the LA Fair for a month. We ended up building a great relationship with them, and are still living with them now. They are "hella" cool (a Northern Cali expression we've learned from them:), and we've enjoyed making new friends with them.

David is a thermal engineer, and Nicole works with an environmental company. They both moved to the LA area from Northern California and are engaged to be married in September.

Here are some pics of them, and our CRIBS since we've moved to LA: